CAT / CAS / ENG / FRA   

Customers / Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona

Badalona. The customer was seeking to undertake a project for remodelling the street Prat de la Riba and the square Enric Morera within the municipal boundaries of Badalona. To do so, it needed the topographic data on these areas, and therefore requested a topographic survey.

Toyser has conducted this topographic survey on a scale of 1:200, in which it has identified the following features within an overall surface area of 7,000 m2:

• Existing features: walls, steps, buildings, urban furnishings, signage, etc.

• Trees: specifying location, species and elevation of the foot of each tree.

• Manholes, scuppers, other covers, sundry features of installations, etc.

• Drain covers: location, sections and depths.

• Profile of the current pavement in the street (higher and lower elevations of the kerbs) and elevations of the middle of the street.

• Accesses to the ground floors of the buildings located within the area of the topographic survey: location and upper and lower elevations of the doorstep.


  • Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona


  • Services
  • Topography
  • Aplication Field
  • Civil engineering


  • 12/05/2013

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