Civil engineering
CAT / CAS / ENG / FRA   

Fields of Application / Civil engineering

Barcelona. The customer required the thorough monitoring of any movement that might affect the buildings adjacent to the Virrei Amat station on Line 5 of the Barcelona Metro (FMB). This was the prior condition for undertaking the work on adapting this metro station to the regulations on modernisation and accessibility.

Past experience in work of this nature and the know-how of Toyser's R&D department led to the development of a software package that provided real-time data and the corresponding graphics that correlated the movements detected with the different weather factors that might affect them; this application also allows customising the set-up of alerts. Accordingly, a monitoring process was undertaken through the topographic surveying of the buildings around the metro station.


  • Infraestructures de la Generalitat de Catalunya, SAU


  • Services
  • Automatic precision measuring
  • Aplication Field
  • Civil engineering


  • 14/01/2014

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