Civil engineering
CAT / CAS / ENG / FRA   

Fields of Application / Civil engineering

Badalona (provine of Barcelona, Cataluña).The customer has requested topographic data on a section of the C-31 road and its adjacent area on the Badalona stretch; specifically the C-31 roadside heading towards Barcelona, from Kp 212+300 to 214+000. These topographic data are essential for drafting the project for the improvement of urban accessibility in the city of Badalona.


Toyser conducted a tacheometric survey of the requested area using standard topographic techniques on a scale of 1:200. The work involved implementing, measuring and calculating a polygonal and deploying it on site by marking it out with permanent signage and referencing it to the topographic network of theCatalan Institute of Cartography and Geology - Instituto Cartográfico y Geológico de Catalunya, which will be used for both data gathering and the subsequent laying out of the site.


  • Infraestructures de la Generalitat de Catalunya, SAU


  • Services
  • Topography
  • Aplication Field
  • Civil engineering


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